7/16/2012, 7/17/2012- sent again and no response. I have asked for a formal misconduct charge sent to All of Council and Mayor. Copy below;

fyi-as of noon, 7/17, no response. Per Joe Slocum's agenda for tonight
 "One speaker at the meeting talked about a feeling of
disconnection. I hope that he and others can distinguish between disagreement and
disconnection. Our diversity is one of our special features. Every Belfast resident has
something to offer and the fact that we have diverse interests, perspectives and abilities is
a great and attractive asset. If we can regularly share our diverse thoughts and ideas then
we can make decisions based upon the broadest and best input. Scrutiny and dialogue is
what keeps us both honest and efficient. If we can communicate and scrutinize over our
issues with respect and clarity then we will continue to do very well. If you stay away
from the kitchen then you will likely find yourself eating what somebody else wanted for
dinner. This is a Community, a great Community with a proud history that is being
added to every day. The best way to fight disconnection is to come to the table regularly
and speak your mind.
Each Council member welcomes and encourages the opportunity to listen to whatever the
people in this community have to say. We accept letters for them and pass along your
verbal comments to them every day. Their phone numbers are listed on the web site and
also posted in City Hall. At every meeting they offer 2 opportunities"

Council, this blatant refusal to commit in writing, that each number is specifically available or addressed as to when it will be available and ordering that the stormwater analysis will be done is a formal complaint of misconduct. Please advise of next steps.


Laurie Allen
7/14/2012- I sent this email TODAY to everyone, City Attorney, Council, Mayor- all ones that Joe Slocum has been copying in these disgusting charade in avoidance. Answers will prove the City negligent, unethical and total disregard of our democracy and the people. As a layman, I have been sent down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, held hostage to their control of documents and information for 1 year and 3 months. I will not allow anymore diversions to my simple requests. I must have written response prior to viewing. It has been none stop excuses and denials, now we're sending stormwater, no we don't have any maps, give us a deposit of $250 for us to research,  Oh, that is missing, well we would have to check with Marie and she is off today,.........Jennika is off, Joe is on off,  ask Wayne Marshall- (who is with holding most of the documents and information, has told employees not to help me, does not answer requests but inundates with words not pertaining,etc)...for 1 year and 4 months these a few excuses from a lobster boatload....enough, enough, enough.
Joe Slocum,

Specify exactly what you have ready. For clarity,  Final Approved Site Plans for CASS, VOA, etc. Please name each one. Again, I was told the final approved plans were ready with the files and the final approved plans for CASS were not there after 6 hours of searching through files under supervision. Marie could not find it either. You have stated that files and documents are all over the place and that's just the way it is. This is your system and your responsibility to provide these documents requested. Wayne has stated that a final approved site plan or plans that are in registry of deeds is not there and he does not know where it is. Therefore, as City Manager, you should be concerned about missing vital City documents and take action to replace them. Please gather for inspection, in one pile,  all the final approved site plans requested,, advise which ones are missing and when they will be available for viewing (I do not wish to know the steps required to get them- you tend to over word). And again, advise when the storm water analysis will be done. Telling me, over and over that the storm water analysis was not done is not an answer to when it will be done.  Please stop wasting my time with vague responses. I want answers direct from you, the City Manager. No more excuses, delays, or disguising. I have been tossed around for 1 year and 3 months trying to get this storm water public information that is crushing Seaview Terrace. Refusal to comply with written specific responses to 1-9, or using employee absent excuses is not acceptable. Please provide final advisement on this request in its entirety by noon, 7/16/2012.

 Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 17:04:59 -0400
Subject: Re: 6/25/12 Plans/Stormwater Analysis
From: managersupport@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com

Hi Laurie,
The Code & Planning Office has compiled the records they have on the 8 items/locations you have requested, analysis for #9 was never preformed.
Marie is on vacation next week so we will have a space for you here in the City Manager's Office (Nora's desk) to view them any time between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm Monday through Friday.
It would be appreciated if you could please let us know when you plan on coming to view the records.
Thank you,
To Jennika Lundy, ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org, mayor@cityofbelfast.org
FYI- I requested the final approved site plans for CASS and VOA in person to Marie/Planning on 6/1/12. I hope all the plans will be ready today 6/18/12 at no charge. Thanks.

 NO RESPONSE FROM ABOVE, REWROTE  FORMALLY AS MFOIA BELOW. NOTE THAT I HAVE BEEN REQUESTING PLANS FROM 6/1 AND DIFFICULTIES ENSUE. I SHOULD HAVE HAD THESE PLANS IN THE PACKET JOE SLOCUM GAVE ME OF WRONG MAPS IN 12/2011. Joe claimed that packet contained all the plans of stormwater that MAY possibly be contributing to the stream. They were of only of Mid Coast Mental Health and Tall Pines and were not even the final approved Site Plans. Shady, Shady, Shady. See the emails at the end of this requesting the plans again, and what I get is lip service from Wayne Marshall avoiding any mention of having the Final Approved Site Plans available for me to view.

From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: managersupport@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: 6/25/12 Plans/Stormwater Analysis
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 11:19:57 -0400

To Jennika, All Council Members and Mayor,

Please accept this as a freedom of information request. Per precedence set by Joe Slocum in accepting email request in lieu of actual MFOI format, and direction from Council that Jennika Lundy is my single point of contact( below), please provide:




8. The Annex of WCGH  addition at 125 Northport Ave

9. The stormwater analysis that was to be conducted by the City from Wayne Marhsall  reference letter dated 11/4/2002 to Paul Luttrelle, SAD 34, for an explanation of impact fee ($5000 to applicant). If the City did not conduct the stormwater analysis please advise why it has not been done.


Laurie Allen (the flash flooding yesterday throughout Maine was another bullet dodged- please save us quickly)
 On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 7:26 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
These final approved plans should be ready for immediate viewing. Do not delay in having the original plans available. If you are approving to waive the fee for the copies, I will take the originals to Deeds for copying. I want to see the originals and be present for the copying.
Please respond to when the storm water analysis will be done.

To citymanager@cityofbelfast.org, ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org, mayor@cityofbelfast.org, LAURIE ALLEN
7/3/12 3rd Request -7th Business Day- What is the problem in providing final approved site plans? After requesting in person and witnessed on 6/1/12 to Marie in planning, and being told the final approved site plans for Captain Albert Stevens School, etc. were at the planning office for my review, and 2 days at approx 3 hours each day looking for the first up- Captain Albert Stevens School, it was not there, confirmed by Marie. Furthermore, the first day of review of only the CASS file, I had said I was done with that file. The 2nd day, I came back to get my copies, I did not get a copy requested, went back into the file and found a slew of stormwater information- Army Corp, Sanderson letter's, DEP, on and on, that was not in there the day before. The document I did not get a copy of was not back in the file and Marie could not find it. I have been advising Council of improper conduct from almost the beginning. This is nothing short of disgusting. It is not one, it is all of you because you know and look the other way and hide behind our City Attorney. All year I have been trying to get public documents to no avail, an attorney would have hit the same roadblocks and I would be in debt for thousands and thousands without an end in sight, paying our City Attorney with my tax dollars to devastate and punish this honest mom. This is nothing short of disgusting and as Mike Hurley used an excuse for the abuse, in the end you will answer "To an office higher than mine". Marina advice to me to pray and meditate about what I should do is misdirected. Every day, I am ready to forgive and fix. Your choice.
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: FW: 6/25/12 Plans/Stormwater Analysis
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 16:59:21 -0400

The Final approved site plans " the final approved site plan sheet which is typically 1 page" per Joe Slocum. If any of these are in Deeds/Registry I am requesting for the City to provide them to me. If they are lost, you should replace them through the original maker/engineer. Saying they are missing is not acceptable. These plans are in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. 1 M.R.S.A. § 408 (6) adn the fees are requested to be waived.

I  want to know why City is not taking those funds of 5k allocated for a stormwater analysis and performing such. I am requesting the stormwater analysis to be done now and to include the flow from Cass/ The Muck/down the path of the map I wrote and gave to all of Council with pictures, into and through Seaview Terrace. Certainly you all are concerned for the safety and well being of Seaview Terrace flood zone residents and would approve this analysis immediately rather that using our tax dollars to pay for recreational feasibility studies.

From:Joseph Slocum (citymanager@cityofbelfast.org)
Sent:Fri 7/06/12 4:01 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com)
Jennika Lundy is on vacation until Tuesday. I am not waiving the Fees for outside printing if site plans. Once you pay the fees as noted in several earlier emails then we will contact County Copy and make arrangements to get you these large plans.  Thank you,.

 Joe Slocum-"
I have repeatedly asked you to document your financial inability to pay for copies just like everyone else and to my knowledge you have not provided us with any documentary or other proof that you are unable to pay $5 per page for this special copy order. Inability to pay is a factual issue not an opinion issue. We could meet and I would keep your confidence as to your financial abilities- but I nevertheless have the responsibility to make the inquiry before I spend the taxpayers dollars.  So within 10 business days of when you decide which pages you want and either make an appointment to document your financial inability or bring us $5 per page  to cover the sheets you decide that you want -on 7 of the above site Plans-- we will hopefully have your copies for you. We are subject to County Copy's own schedule too. "

As for the stormwater analysis raised in #9 above to my knowledge this was never done. I will not speculate as to why.

From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: FW: 6/25/12 Plans/Stormwater Analysis
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 20:07:08 -0400

Enough of this already. Please have in house plans and plans at Deeds ready for viewing 7/9/12. Wayne stopped putting them in the deeded register in 1999? He has CASS for sure and didn't give it when I was told it was ready the last time. You have wasted more tax dollars that we pay you and Wayne in this difficult situation. The maps would cost $40, you provided me the WRONG maps, many times,  and waived the fee. You do not own this town... actually you are MY employee, and you should stop bullying me. I want to see the maps that are in house and brought over from Deeds in one visit. Advise which ones the City has lost and when those will be in house. Do not with hold the maps because you haven't shaken me down for the $40 first. I have full rights to view those maps. I will deal with you and copies later.

Laurie Allen

Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 09:32:37 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: 6/25/12 Plans/Stormwater Analysis
From: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: bkelly11@bluestreakme.com; planner@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; esanders@athenahealth.com; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; jlundy@cityofbelfast.org

Ms Allen,

You may come and inspect anything we have, as you have been doing, upon reasonable notice so that we can fetch the items you wish to inspect and have them ready for you. There were 5 or 6 files you wanted to see in Planing recently and the last time I looked they were still out by the counter in case you still wanted to review them further.

 However I am standing firm on your request that we photocopy site plans for you at our expense unless you can document your inability top pay this $40. We will also not go to the registry of deeds for you and get you copies of documents they have. You can do that for yourself. Again if you bring in the money to get the copies made we will do so and I would again  encourage you to come in and mark the ones you want copied so there is no confusion. We want you to get the right copies.

 This is my third and final response to your request for copies that we pay out of pocket for and for which you continue to just demand we supply them at our out of pocket expense.

Thank you

Joe Slocum
City Manager

From:LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com)
Sent:Mon 7/09/12 11:37 AM
To: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); acurtis@bangordailynews.com; tgroening@bangordailynews.com
Cc: bkelly11@bluestreakme.com; planner@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; esanders@athenahealth.com; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; jlundy@cityofbelfast.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org
Joe Slocum,

Per 7/6 Email -I have full rights to view those maps. I will deal with you and copies later.  This means no copies at this point in time. I was told the final approved plans were ready with the files and the final approved plans for CASS were not there after 6 hours of searching through files under supervision. Marie could not find it either. You have stated that files and documents are all over the place and that's just the way it is. This is your system and your responsibility to provide these documents requested. Wayne has stated that a final approved site plan or plans that are in registry of deeds is not there and he does not know where it is. Therefore, as City Manager, you should be concerned about missing vital City documents and take action to replace them. Please gather for inspection, in one pile,  all the final approved site plans requested,, advise which ones are missing and when they will be available for viewing (I do not wish to know the steps required to get them- you tend to over word). And again, advise when the storm water analysis will be done.

Furthermore, I am requesting for all window dressing City spending, ie Harbor Walk, Rail Trail, recreational, and the likes be froze. These should be put out to vote for citizen approval. Please advise the public that our storm water sewer system within City lines for the flood zone residents of Seaview Terrace is not appropriate and needs to be overhauled immediately because the City has placed them in grave danger. Law suits could be catastrophic. Please announce this for me, per bat-um at the public hearing City Budget meeting scheduled this Thursday, 7/12/2012. I have heard you speak for other residents in meetings.

Our reporters at Bangor Daily News are being criticized for negligent reporting. Please be open to them if they call you or any officials for comment.
Per Joe Slocum, City Manager "but I nevertheless have the responsibility to make the inquiry before I spend the taxpayers dollars." As do we tax payers, please put out to ballot on your spending spree below. I've yet to hear of an estimated project that has not gone over budget due to... unforeseen expenses?? By that time, we are underway and no turning back. Seems to me, this tactic is part of corruption.

2 excerpts from BDN

1. The improvements also would include erecting a gateway to the Common at the entrance located at Cross and Miller streets, making stormwater improvements along Cross, Miller and Spring streets and planting trees.
Altogether, the project is estimated to cost $750,000. Remaining funds would be matched with approximately $150,000 from a Communities for Maine’s Future grant which Belfast already has received and $100,000 from the city.

2. According to Slocum, Belfast likely will make up for the $400,000 shortfall with a municipal bond.
“I’m not really sure how that makes it better for anybody,” he said. “It really becomes a shift in interest from the state taxpayer to the Belfast property taxpayer.”

FYI-Maine Freedom of Information Act-
The agency of official may, but is not required to, waive part or all of the total fee if the requester is indigent, or if release of the public record is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. 1 M.R.S.A. § 408 (6)


Laurie Allen


Per Council 11/2011
Hi Laurie/ Jennika Lundy has been asked to be the single point of contact for you by the City of Belfast. She should be in touch with you soon. Thanks/ Mike Hurley

Per Joe Slocum
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:37:00 -0400
Subject: Re: Storm Water Maps Final Request
From: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: councilors@cityofbelfast.org

Ms. Allen,

 I accept this as a freedom of information request. Under the Freedom of information law I am required to either provide the requested documentation within 5 days or tell you within 5 days how long it will take for us to meet your request and what will be needed to comply with that request.

From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: managersupport@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Site Plans Cass/VOA/Hilltop Birches/Belfast Birches
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 17:07:47 -0400

Hi Jennika,

In the packet I picked up with a letter dated 12/2/2011 from Joe Slocum were final approved site plans for some sites but not all that contribute to storm water to Seaview Terrace. Please provide the final approved site plans for Captain Albert Stevens School and Volunteers of America ( for 2 days I have been reviewing the files in The Planning Office and have not been able to get these. Marie suggested I try Waldo County Deeds but I advised her that Wayne stopped recording his plans in the Deeds Registry). The Hilltop Birches and Belfast Birches are also requested. The Birches were done in 1979 and 1989 and Wayne stated yesterday that they are in Deeds, book 00011, page 61 ref# 19780400.

The fee waived packet was missing these plans. Perhaps, Mr. Slocum does not think that these plans would affect Seaview, I disagree and want these under the MFOI act. I am asking all fees to be waived due to specific storm water request affecting Seaview Terrace.


Laurie Allen

Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 16:33:21 -0400
Subject: Information for Ms. Allen
From: managersupport@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com

Attached please find a response from the City Planner regarding your requests.
From Wayne Marshall, City Planner

The City Code & Planning Department did not require the School District to record the Captain Albert Stevens plan because it is a Site Plan; it is not a subdivision.  State law speaks to the recording of Subdivision Plans but it does not require the recording of Site Plans.  For example, we similarly did not record the Site Plan for projects such as McDonald's reconstruction, Bangor Savings Bank reconstruction or Union Bank Trust (now Camden National Bank) construction.  I note that we have provided Ms. Allen access to all of the Captain Albert Stevens file in our office.  She has reviewed much of the file and has requested that Marie make copies of  portions of the file.

The 1978 Plan for the Birches project predates the establishment of this office.  Thus, I provided Ms. Allen with the book/page of the Plan for this project that is recorded at the Waldo County Registry of Deeds.  I do not have any information for this project in our office.

The 1987/1988 Hilltop Birches plan.  There is a file for this project in our office and we have made it available for Ms. Allen to review.  To date, I do not believe that she has reviewed this file, and that she plans to return some time next week to review such.  I did look in the Registry to see if there was a copy of the recorded plan but I could not find such.  I am uncertain why this plan was not recorded
VOA.  We have made all of the VOA files available to Ms. Allen.  To date, I do not believe that she has reviewed such and that she may return some time next week to perform her review.
We have offered to make copies for her  of information she wants and we are charging her a bulk rate for the copies; about 7 cents a page. 

To date, Ms. Allen has visited the office twice (week of June 11 - 15) to review the files she requested.
 On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:33 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Hi Jennika,

Please confirm that all City officials (Manager, City Attorney, Council and Mayor) approve of Wayne's response to my request
Hi Laurie
I am not authorized nor qualified to comment on what other employees provide to you. 
The City of Belfast does not have a policy regarding waiver of fees for costs of copying documents within the City records.  I have contacted the City Attorney and he advises that if you submit an affidavit describing your assets and liabilities on a confidential basis, then he and the City Manager will discuss creating such a policy, as you are the first such person to make a request.  I believe the Code and Planning Office has a general rule about how many copies they will make for someone before they begin charging, however they are not able to make large format copies, and always charge for outsourced printing requests. If you would like to document your financial hardship for consideration of fee waiving, please feel free to do so.

Take care,

To Jennika Lundy, ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org, ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org, mayor@cityofbelfast.org, LAURIE ALLEN
Hi Jennika,

1. Per the email from Joe Slocum through you (below), Joe states that all my requests are going through the City Attorney and City Manager. I did forward Wayne's response to all of Council and Mayor Ash. I will copy them on this too. Per Joe, he and the City Attorney review my requests and responses. Hence, they have read and if no one contacts me, than Council, Mayor, City Attorney and City Manager approve of Wayne's response.

 From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 2:51 PM
Subject: City Staff will respond to information requests
To: Jennika Lundy <jlundy@cityofbelfast.org
 Dear  Ms. Allen,
Recently you sent Council Member Marina DeLune asking for a variety of information. This email has been referred to this office. These types of inquiries really should be sent to the City Manager as I have the full time responsibility for all City activity. Council Members do not direct Department Heads or their offices. That is the responsibility for the City Managers Office and the Council oversees the Manager’s office. I ask all Council members to send in all requests for information to this office so that we can manage the response. If this office acts improperly then our conduct can be reviewed by the Council.
We will make a real effort to do our best to respond to you in a timely and accurate manner. To do this we are having your requests go through this office and the City Attorney is helping us make sure that our responses to you are legal and proper.

2.  The documents I am requesting was not given by Joe Slocum in the packet that was at no charge. This is part of that request and falls under the MFOIA.  I am requesting fees to be waived due to MFOI below;

The agency or official must prepare an estimate of the time and cost required to complete a request and if the estimate is greater than $20, the agency or official must notify the requester before proceeding. The agency may request payment of the costs in advance if the estimated cost exceeds $100 or if the requester has previously failed to pay a fee properly assessed under the Freedom of Access Act. 1 M.R.S.A. § 408 (4) & (5).

I cannot afford to pay the fees charged by the agency or official to research my request or copy the records. Can I get a waiver?

The agency of official may, but is not required to, waive part or all of the total fee if the requester is indigent, or if release of the public record is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. 1 M.R.S.A. § 408 (6)

Laurie Allen

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